We suffer from fear, anger, a sense of being trapped. We believe our world view is in inescapable. Yet the cage we’re stuck in has an open door. We just don’t know how to step out of it. There is an antidote to our misery. A metaphysical educator, Dhyana uses her teachings from around the world not just to relieve fear and suffering, but also to guide people to step into their highest selves.
If we learn these techniques, and find our way through that door, there can be miraculous results waiting for us on the other side. Dhyana is an expert in healing energetics. Because anxiety, depression, and hopelessness are so prevalent in these challenging times, more and more people are awakening and seeking the tools and teachers to open these doors. When they do, they are able to manage their daily lives, experience their energy body and highest nature, and be more fulfilled and at peace than ever before.
I have lived many lives throughout my lifetime. As a child, I moved from country to country, and was exposed to a multiplicity of views and cultures. In Iran at age 10 my mother, a doctor, took me to a leper colony. Having seen the extremes of privilege and poverty around the world as I went between London and Paris and developing countries, I became inspired by the leaders who guide their communities to alleviate suffering and show a path of hope. From the first time I saw suffering, I felt a natural urge to do something about it. I learned we have the power to participate, to take action in our lives, to protect our communities, and to resist the dark aspects of life.
My experiences taught me to step out of the shadows onto the stage of life. I pursued trainings around the world to master the modalities of mind, body, and energy healing. I love to uplift you and help you gain clarity about your own purpose and path.
Dhyana and World Travels - Rugs and Magic
Lecturer, Mind/body/spirit medicine. Trauma trainings/Masterclass for Healers, Adjunct Instructor Economics Institute (2002, 2003).
International Society for Subtle Energy and Energy Medicine (ISSSEEM)
Eye Movement Desensitization Reprocessing (EMDR) Therapist.
Energy Psychology instruction
My signature offerings blend my advanced visionary abilities in craniosacral healing, channeling, trauma resolution therapy (EMDR), and tarot. I work one-on-one with clients both in person and through distance healing. You can also experience these teachings and healing techniques through one of my transformative workshops.
I work with a wide range of clients often referred by physicians, nurses, chiropractors, and occupational/massage therapists. I have extensive clinical experience in a variety of settings with injury, trauma recovery and physical and mental illness.
In the corporate world, I developed and facilitated “Train the Trainers” programs in India for Time Warner/AOL. At the Economics Institute in Boulder, CO, I instructed foreign corporate executives (100+ nationalities) for academic preparation for post-graduate study and MBA business schools.
French Baccaulaureate
Georgetown University: School of Language and Linguisitics
University of Paris VIII, France – MA in English and Education
Bodywork and subtle body healing – Energy Therapies
Hot stone therapy training
2-year program in Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapy at the Polarity Institute, Boulder, CO, Franklyn Sills Method (currently Colorado School of Energy Studies).
Reiki certification
Ayurvedic Marma points with Dr. Lad, Chinese Tui-Na Qigong acupoints workshops
Barbara Brennan, Caroline Myss and Norm Shealey workshops
International Society for the Study of Subtle Energy and Energy Medicine (ISSSEEM) Conferences
Qigong Certifications and advanced trainings: Supreme Science Qigong Center - Jeff Primack
Wudang Qigong with Master Chen, Ken Cohen, Eva Wong, Daisy Lee, Mantak Chia, Sheng Zhen Qigong, Nei-Gong (internal qigong) workshops
Decades-Long Senior Student. Trainings in Shamanic practices/Bön with Chögyal Namkhai Norbu, Tenzin Wangyal/ Soul Retrieval and indigenous healing practices.
Healing ceremony with an internationally known Shamaness approved by HH Dalai Lama’s office while in Kathmandu, Nepal.
Matrix Energetics trainings, a healing modality based on concepts of quantum physics
Training in Psychotherapy
2-year program in Integrative Body Psychotherapy
Certified hypnotherapist and hypnosis specialty certificates,
Advanced training: Eye Movement Desensitization Reprocessing (EMDR), Trauma Resolution, Developmental Needs Meeting Strategy (DNMS), Brainspotting and Comprehensive Resource Model (CRM) with Lisa Schwarz.
Couples therapy trainings: Harville Hendrix and Gay and Katie Hendricks
Jungian Sand Tray Therapy trainings. Basic and advanced
Comprehensive Resource Model (CRM- Brainspotting) with Lisa Schwarz.
Sacred Sexuality trainings
Workshops with Margo Anand and Charles Muir and advanced Tibetan tantric teachings
Death and Dying
Teachings by Tibetan Masters and Sogyal Rinpoche
Dominie Cappadonna – A Year to Live program
Initiations, teachings and retreats around the world for 30+ years. An interfaith approach.
Tibetan Buddhism: HH Dalai Lama. The great masters of the 20th century: HH the 16th Karmapa, Namkhai Norbu Rinpoche, HH Dudjom Rinpoche, HH Kalu Rinpoche.
Christian, Hindu and Sufi masters: Yogananda, Sheikh Nazim.
NADA National Acupuncture Detoxification Association certification, Ear Acupuncture.
Esoteric Acupuncture - Advanced Levels with the founder Dr. Mikio Sankey. Acupuncture and Sacred Geometry
Medical intuitive expert, Dhyana teaches Tai-Chi / Qigong to restore balance and vitality to the mind and body. You can learn to see and feel the powerful benefits of energy flow through your energy body.